Interpreter Boot Camp

What is your most stressful modality? Simultaneous, sight, consecutive, or is it RSI, conferences, jury trials, depositions, federal cases etc.

Interpreter Boot Camp

8 week Skill Building and BioEnergetics Program

The Interpreter Boot Camp is an 8-week intensive course designed to enhance interpreter performance and optimize cognitive skills. The program aims to help participants improve their calmness and control, release fear and anxiety, and enhance memory recall. It is specifically tailored to prepare interpreters for exams and professional success. It can be tailored to your needs. Inquire within.

Throughout the 8 weeks, the interpreter will focus on skill building and honing their interpreting techniques, expanding vocabulary, refining language proficiency, and practicing real-life scenarios. These sessions may involve interactive exercises, role-plays, feedback sessions, and mentorship to support participants in their professional growth.

Jason Knapp from Knapp Language Services, will meet with participants on a weekly basis for mentoring and skill-building exercises. It is recommended to allow a window of 12 weeks before the exam to fully benefit from the program.

In addition to the skill-building component, the program integrates Natural Bioenergetics, NB sessions to address the well-being and energy balance of interpreters.

These sessions utilize bioenergetic techniques to reduce stress, enhance focus and concentration, improve cognition, clarity, and promote overall physical and emotional wellness. The NB sessions may include relaxation exercises, energy balancing techniques, mindfulness practices, and other modalities tailored to the specific needs of Interpreter.

By combining skill-building exercises with bioenergetic practices, the program aims to optimize the performance and well-being of interpreters. Participants can expect to enhance their interpreting skills, improve cognitive abilities, reduce stress and anxiety, and develop a greater sense of calmness and control in their work.

Week 1-4

Week 1 – Initial Skills & Wellness Assessment

  1. Learn your goals, challenges, learning style and personality type
  2. Learn what are your strong and weak interpreting modalities are
  3. What is energy work?  What is bio-energetic health?
  4. Start w/first NB Session and to establish priorities in the following areas:
    • Physical scars, emotional trauma, chakra (energy centers) balancing
    • Cognitive (processing)/sensory (input) integration: simple, compound or mixed
        • focus and distraction (5 senses)
        • thinking and remembering
        • remembering and understanding
        • Memorizing and learning
    • Clearing limiting beliefs
    • Psychological corrections: Simple fears, phobias (e.g., taking tests)
    • Temperament re-training, habits
    • Life Balance: rest, play, work, sleep
    • Physical and mental energy levels
    • Affirmations
    • ‘terps targeted bio-energetic mind/body health (learning, retention & performance)
        • Throat (voice), stress (cortisol) and fatigue (gut/brain)
        • Neurotoxins
        • Remedies, nutrition and diet

Week 2 – Skill Building

  1. Skill building sessions with Jason Knapp

Week 3 – Bio Energetics and Skill Building

  1. Bio-energetic Wellness: NB Session follow-up from first session
  2. Skill building sessions with Jason Knapp

Week 4 – Reassessment

Midpoint Re-Assessment

Week 5-8

Week 5 – Skill Building

  1. Skill building sessions with Jason Knapp
  2. Bio-energetic Wellness: NB tested, mindfulness based stress reduction techniques
    • Learn how to manage long and short term stress and anxiety
    • Tapping
    • Emergency Points , NVO
    • Breath work
    • Cognitive re-appraisal
    • Physical activity,  circadian rhythms, meridian  stretches, toning, tracing
    • Visualizations, color
    • Binaural beats
    • Additional support for physical, emotional and mental plane when dealing with situational stress

Week 6 – Skill Building

  1. Skill building sessions with Jason Knapp

Week 7 – Bio Energetics and Skill Building

  1. Bio-energetic Wellness: NB Session follow-up from first session
  2. Skill building sessions with Jason Knapp

Week 8 – Skill Building & Final Recommendations

  1. Bio-energetic Wellness: NB Session follow-up from first session
  2. Skill building sessions with Jason Knapp
  3. Free: 10-day self-care challenge

If you feel like you need more time you can choose to extend for 4 more weeks at a discount

Interpreter Boot Camp

Interpreter Boot Camp

Interpreter Boot Camp

Interpreter Boot Camp


Image by Freepik
