XioWellness Process

Our goal is to eliminate negative patterns that you are holding or absorbing, rebuild and balance the bodies processes.

How our Process Works

BioEnergetic Health

The XioWellness process involves scanning, reports and crafting a regimen for improving your health journey. The goal is to eliminate negative patterns that you are holding or absorbing, rebuild and balance the bodies processes.

About XioWellness ProcessThe XioWellness process can include:

  1. Detoxification and clearing drainage pathways
  2. Learning about how to put into practice the foundations of healthy living
  3. Identifying resonating microbes and toxins that can be causing problems
  4. Identifying causal factors and nutritional deficiencies
  5. Vitamin and mineral regimen
  6. Holistic Health coaching based on your BioEnergetic Health
  7. Re-testing to monitor progress

Each testing phase and vitamins regimen will last about 6-8 weeks before retesting.

At each stage we address what the body is ready to tackle, but with chronic infections it is a longer process. And it goes without saying that for each person it is a different process and story.

Therefore we normally see the best practice is to test over 6

-12 months with a minimum of 3 tests and followup sessions.


Xio Wellness

¿Como Funciona Nuestro Proceso?

BioEnergetic Health

Mind and Body Wellness ProgramEl proceso de XioWellness implica la exploración, la elaboración de informes y la creación de un régimen para mejorar su salud. El objetivo es eliminar los patrones negativos que está sosteniendo o absorbiendo, reconstruir y equilibrar los procesos del cuerpo.

El proceso con XioWellness puede incluir:

  1. Desintoxicación y limpieza de las vías de drenaje
  2. Aprender a poner en práctica los fundamentos de una vida sana
  3. Identificación de microbios y toxinas que pueden estar causando problemas
  4. Identificación de factores causales y deficiencias nutricionales
  5. Régimen de vitaminas y minerales
  6. Coaching de salud holístico basado en su salud bioenergética
  7. Reanálisis para supervisar los progresos

Cada fase de análisis y régimen de vitaminas durará unas 6-8 semanas antes de volver a realizarun nuevo análisis.

En cada fase abordamos lo que el cuerpo está preparado para afrontar, pero con las infecciones crónicas es un proceso más largo. Y no hace falta decir que cada persona tiene un proceso y una historia diferentes.

Por lo tanto, la mejor práctica consiste en realizar pruebas a lo largo de 6-12 meses, con un mínimo de 3 pruebas y sesiones de seguimiento.


“I have enjoyed having Xio as my natural practitioner for many years. She has helped me in various ways with issues that have come up with my health.

The most recent issue has been recovering from dental surgery. Having had problems with recovery before, I immediately turned to Xio for help. A few days after this dental procedure, I had an appointment with her. One problem was the area was not draining properly, so there was a lot of pain.  She had me use draining technique and a nutritional supplement to help get my system to drain the toxins that were accumulating in the area of the surgery.

The pain went away and I could definitely feel that the area was healing well.

Xio is great to work with. She really focuses on what will be best for the patient. I have recommended her to a few of my family members.”
