About XioWellness

Our Process – Como el Proceso Funciona

Our Story

About Xio Wellnessa little bit about me…

Even while growing up in between two cultures, volunteering and holistic wellness have always been a part of my life.  We kids responded well to natural medicine, so it has always been my preference, but not exclusive.

In my early days, I was known not only for making the best brownie in town, but was lovingly nick named “la Profe” since I was an English tutor for a private school. Later, I became an interpreter, which allows me to understand how to help and support Professional Interpreters.

I run a special program called Interpreter Boot Camp in conjunction with Knapp Language service.

I am a first time dog owner of a 1 year old miniature poodle named Tuxedo.  As typical first time parents, we want the best for him.  I am learning how to take care of him holistically. So, he also gets one of my holistic programs to follow.  He weighs in at a healthy 15 pounds and keeps us active with his energetic nature.

I started learning holistic techniques over 20 years ago. I am a Holistic Nutritional Consultant and primary practice Natural Bioenergetics with Bioenergetic testing.  I like to integrate these plus Biomagnetism to achieve the best results.

I enjoy staying current with advancements made in the holistic health field and continue learning so I can share with others.

I’m here to support you as much as you like and appreciate the time you took to look into our services.

Click here if you’d like to contact me or learn more about XioWellness.

About XioWellness
¡HOLA! Mucho Gusto!

un poco sobre mí…

Crecí entre dos culturas,  practicando el bienestar holístico y trabajo voluntario. De joven se me conocía por hacer el mejor brownie del pueblo, y como “la Profe”, ya que era tutora de inglés en un colegio privado.

Más tarde, me convertí en intérprete. Tenemos un perro, caniche miniatura de un año llamado Tuxedo. Como típicos padres primerizos, queremos lo mejor para él. Estoy aprendiendo a cuidarlo de forma holística. Por lo tanto, él también sigue uno de mis programas holísticos.

Empecé a aprender técnicas holísticas hace más de 20 años. Soy Consultora Nutricional Holística y trabajo con pruebas Bioenergéticas. También practico la técnica llamada Natural ioenergetics  Me gusta integrar estas técnicas con el Biomagnetismo para conseguir los mejores resultados.

Me encanta estar al día con los avances realizados en el campo de la salud holística y seguir aprendiendo para poder compartir con los demás.
Estoy aquí para apoyarle tanto como quiera y aprecio el tiempo que se tomo para mirar nuestros servicios.

Haga clic aquí si desea ponerse en contacto conmigo o saber más sobre XioWellness.

About XioWellness


About XioWellness Services & Scans

Nuestros Servicios y Pruebas

“Best Option for Optimum Health”

Basic Remedy Scan

Basic Remedy Scan

Your samples will be tested to see what synergistic remedies you need in order to balance your stressed systems and organs. This is a customized remedy program.

Complete Body Scan

Complete Body Scan

See stats on stress and performance levels of your main bioenergetic systems and organs along with all your causal factors that are preventing you from healing. You will learn how to address root causes.

Body Balancing Scan

Body Balancing Scan

Learn what is interfering with your body’s bioenergetic balance and how to find equilibrium. Nourish your body.

Stress-less Scan

Stress-less Scan

What has been on your mind lately? Find out what is causing stress, what you can do about it

Traditional Saliva Test

Traditional Saliva Test

This is the traditional saliva test or original test offered by BbalancedTesting. It tests for a personalized blend made by Precision Herbs.

NB Sessions

NB Sessions

Natural BioEnergetics is hands on modality that can help address mind and body symptoms simultaneously. It is a type of energy work where “corrections” of imbalances are done by a gentle touch, tap, or pinch on specific acupressure points in presence of the stressor.


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